A Comprehensive Guide to Available Funds on Iqama

Saudi Arabia’s Iqama, also known as a residence permit, is a crucial document for expatriates residing and working in the country. It provides legal permission to stay and work in Saudi Arabia. In recent years, the Saudi government has introduced several reforms and initiatives to improve the expatriate experience, and one such development is the introduction of available funds for Iqama. Understanding Available Funds on Iqama

Available funds, also known as bank account requirements, are a monetary threshold that must be maintained in an expatriate’s bank account to comply with the regulations set by the Saudi Arabian government. These funds serve as a financial security measure to ensure that expatriates have sufficient financial resources to support themselves and their dependents while living in the country. The specific amount required varies depending on the expatriate’s circumstances, such as their profession, family status, and the number of dependents they have.

Significance and Purpose of Available Fund

The purpose of available funds on Iqama is to ensure that expatriates have financial stability and can fulfill their financial responsibilities during their stay in Saudi Arabia. By imposing these requirements, the government aims to reduce the strain on public resources and social services, while also promoting financial independence and self-sustainability among expatriates.

Available funds play a crucial role in various aspects of an expatriate’s life in Saudi Arabia. These include:

Residency and Visa Renewal

Expatriates must maintain the required available funds in their bank accounts to renew their Iqama and visa. Failure to meet this requirement can result in delays or even the rejection of the renewal application.

Residency and Visa Renewal

Employment and Sponsorship

Many employers and sponsors in Saudi Arabia require proof of available funds as part of the employment and sponsorship process. This demonstrates that the expatriate has the financial means to support themselves and their dependents.

Housing and Rental Agreements

 Landlords often ask for proof of available funds before signing a rental agreement. It assures them that the tenant has the financial capacity to pay the rent and fulfill their financial obligations.

Family Sponsorship

Expatriates who wish to sponsor their family members, such as a spouse or children, need to meet the available fund’s requirement. This ensures that the sponsor can provide for their family’s needs in the country.

Determining the Required Available Funds:

The specific amount of available funds required varies depending on several factors. These factors include:

Determining the Required Available Funds:


Different professions have different available funds requirements. Typically, professions with higher salaries have higher fund thresholds.

Family Status

The number of dependents an expatriate has influences the required available funds. A higher number of dependents generally leads to a higher fund threshold.


The city or region where an expatriate resides may impact the available fund requirement. Major cities like Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam may have higher thresholds compared to smaller towns.

It’s essential to consult with the employer, sponsor, or relevant authorities to determine the exact amount of available funds required for a specific individual.

Maintaining Available Funds:

Expatriates must ensure that the required available funds are maintained in their Saudi bank account at all times. Falling below the specified threshold may result in penalties or complications when dealing with various government or administrative procedures.

To maintain the available funds, expatriates should consider the following:

Regular Monitoring

Keep track of the account balance to ensure it meets the required threshold. It is advisable to maintain a buffer amount above the threshold to account for any fluctuations or unexpected expenses

Financial Planning

 Create a budget and manage expenses to ensure that the available funds are not depleted. This includes being mindful of spending, prioritizing essential expenses, and avoiding unnecessary purchases.

Savings and Investments

Explore opportunities to save and invest money to grow your funds. Consider options such as fixed deposits, mutual funds, or other investment vehicles that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Regular Income

Maintain a stable income source to replenish the available funds. Ensure that salaries or other earnings are deposited into the designated Saudi bank account promptly.

Financial Discipline

Practice responsible financial behavior by avoiding excessive borrowing, managing debts efficiently, and making timely bill payments. Maintaining a good financial track record can also positively impact future visa and residency processes.

Consequences of Insufficient Available Funds:

Failure to maintain the required available funds on Iqama can lead to various consequences, including:

Consequences of Insufficient Available Funds:

Visa and Iqama Renewal Delays or Rejection

If the available funds fall below the threshold during the visa or Iqama renewal process, it can cause delays or even result in the rejection of the application. This can disrupt employment and legal residency in Saudi Arabia.

Challenges in Rental and Housing

Insufficient available funds may make it difficult to secure a rental property or renew rental agreements, as landlords typically require proof of financial stability.

Family Sponsorship Restrictions

 If an expatriate wishes to sponsor family members, such as a spouse or children, they must meet the available fund’s requirement. Inadequate funds can hinder the family sponsorship process.

Legal Penalties

Non-compliance with available funds requirements can result in fines, penalties, or legal consequences imposed by the Saudi Arabian authorities.


Available funds on Iqama play a vital role in ensuring financial stability for expatriates residing and working in Saudi Arabia. By maintaining the required funds, expatriates can navigate various administrative processes smoothly, fulfill financial responsibilities, and secure a comfortable life for themselves and their dependents. It is crucial to understand the specific available fund’s requirements based on profession, family status, and location, and to diligently monitor and manage finances to meet these requirements. By adhering to these regulations, expatriates can enjoy a hassle-free experience while living and working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


What are available funds on Iqama? 

Available funds on Iqama refer to the monetary threshold that expatriates in Saudi Arabia must maintain in their bank accounts to comply with government regulations. These funds serve as a financial security measure to ensure expatriates have sufficient financial resources to support themselves and their dependents while living in the country.

Why are available funds required on Iqama?

 The Saudi Arabian government introduced available funds requirements to promote financial independence and self-sustainability among expatriates. It ensures that individuals have the means to support themselves and reduces the strain on public resources and social services.

How much available funds do I need to maintain my Iqama?

 The specific amount of available funds required varies based on factors such as profession, family status, and location. Higher-salaried professions and larger families typically have higher fund thresholds. It is advisable to consult with the employer, sponsor, or relevant authorities to determine the exact amount required for your circumstances.

What happens if I fail to maintain the required available funds? 

Falling below the specified available fund threshold can lead to penalties, delays, or even rejection of visa and Iqama renewal applications. It may also cause difficulties in securing rental agreements, sponsoring family members, or other administrative processes.

How can I ensure I maintain the required available funds? 

To maintain the required available funds, it is crucial to regularly monitor your bank account balance, create a budget, and manage expenses efficiently. Practicing financial discipline, such as avoiding excessive borrowing and making timely payments, is also important. Additionally, exploring savings and investment opportunities can help grow your funds.

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